LALEC – Lar, Amor, Luz e Esperança da Criança


Background History of the Institution

This institution was created from a dream, a great ideal of a small group of friends who have wanted, for a long time, to have a foundation where they could take care of HIV positive children. Little by little this dream was fulfilled. They've received the place where they are settled till today as a free loan. A bingo was held to start the furnishing, and finally on February 1999, they received their first child and right after other 19, because the objective was to have 20 children tops.

The children are assigned to the institution by the public institutions responsible for their well being, such as the court of justice of several regions in the State of São Paulo. They are subtracted from their homes due to their parents HIV positive and drug addiction condition; therefore these parents have no economical, social or psychological conditions to support those children. The children can become healthy adults once they are treated with the right medication; food and all the care necessary care to avoid certain illnesses.

The work we developed is an attempt to do the best for the children while they are in the foundation. They feel, as they were in their own home where they receive from all the collaborators, volunteers and direction love, tenderness and the right treatment for each one. All children are assisted by Emilio Ribas Hospital, which offers a high quality treatment providing them with the right medication to fight HIV.

This struggle, therefore, is prized by the joy of giving these beings, who are under the foundation's tutoring, the best.

Lalec is a non-profit institution. The resources to maintain the "house " come from donations and with the money gathered from the bazaar, where donated objects are sold .

The house has already sheltered 75 children, from those about 50% was healthy and had been reintegrated to their families or foster families. Nowadays it shelters 18 children, with ages from 0 to 14, among these children 14 are HIV positive and from these five are brain injured because of the virus and are handicapped.

To offer a more specialized treatment, LALEC has as part of the staff 5 assistant nurses, a chief nurse who visits the house twice a week to supervise the activities, 6 nannies, 2 cooks, 2 maids, three administrative assistants and a coordinator. The income of the house is mostly spent with the payroll, because up to now we haven’t received any help from the government organs.

According to the present situation, our plan is to use the budget, the monthly donation in money of Esteves , is to pay part of the nurses salary who are extremely important for the HIV treatment once their presence is requested twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The medication time, for instance, must be strict, otherwise the virus may get too resistant and the medicine may not be effective.

You can also help LALEC through donating any object or any amount of money at the bank account:

Agency 1787-6
Account number 23810-4


CASA 1: Rua João Moura, 429 - Pinheiros
CASA 2: Rua Alice Macuco Alves, 89 – Vila Ida (Alto de Pinheiros)

Background History of the Institution

Marly Cury Association is a non-profit social organization, founded on November 2000, as an initiative of a group of friends that initially wanted to found a house to provide support to children with cancer, but the situation of the children living on the streets in the neighborhood of Pinheiros touched their hearts and so they redirected their objectives to give assistance to this public.

The Association received a donation of a house, where from 19th of March 2001 they started the project “Casa de Referência – AMC”, offering assistance and shelter to children and teenagers living in social and personal risk.

Covenant between the institution and the municipal secretariat

For a year the Association was sponsored by the members of the board, in November 2001 covenant was signed between the institution and the Social Assistance Municipal Secretariat (Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social - SAS). This covenant allowed the hiring of a technical staff improving the work and service conditions offered to the target audience of the institution. A new agreement allowed the enlargement of the number of attendances and the opening of a new house.


Provide attendance and shelter to children and teenagers in social risk situation offering conditions to a dignified development, aiming social and family reinsertion and whenever it is not possible; offer resources to these youngsters to fulfill their emancipation and autonomy.

General objectives

House 1: Rua João Moura, 429 - Pinheiros

In this unit there are 25 places to full shelter (meals, personal hygiene, medical, dental, and psychological attendance, after school activities such as artistic expressions and pedagogical) and up to 75 external attendances provided by the “street educators”, who daily approach children and teenagers living on the streets with the objective of creating a connection of trust and care. Pedagogical activities, such as recreation, chats, sports, leisure games, cultural visits and even health and legal aid emergency attendance, are performed on the street itself. All the activities developed on the streets aim to trigger reflection about the situation and open their eyes to other perspectives.

The target audience of this house is children and teenagers living on the streets of Pinheiros and areas around, most of them actually live on the street but some still maintain a subtle connection to their house/families.

House 2: Rua Alice Macuco Alves, 89 - Vila Ida (Alto de Pinheiros)

In this unit there are 20 places to full shelter (meals, personal hygiene, medical, dental, and psychological attendance, after school activities such as artistic expressions and pedagogical)
The target audience of this house is children and teenagers who suffered abuse (physical violence, negligence, oppression or that came from House 1 and have left the street and the drug addiction)

Some of the activities developed in the houses

- Vegetable garden
- Arts class
- Craftwork class
- Computer class
- Professional courses
- Medical treatment
- Psychological treatment
- Dental treatment
- Dance and percussion courses
- Writing Workshops (reading, after school reinforcement)
- Capoeira class
- Lectures / Courses
- Computer classes
- Drama class
- Out door activities at parks (Ibirapuera, Pico do Jaraguá, etc)
- Swimming classes
- Football at Benedito Calixto Square
- Cinema
- Cultural exhibitions


You can also help this institution. Visit us. Donate food, clothes, medicines or money through the bank account

Marly Cury Association
Bank Itaú
Branch 0185
Bank account 05128-1